Sunday, August 31, 2008

They say it's your birthday....

Happy Birthday Camren!!! Cam turned 4 years old yesterday! I can't believe how the time flies by! The day started out by us all going out to his cousin Paul's baptism. I love that my boys have these older cousins that are such good examples to them. I know that Jaden in particular looks up to Paul & so for both him & Cam to be there to see him be baptized was awesome! From there we went to Toys R' Us & let Camren pick out any toy in the store for his birthday (well within' reason, & by reason I mean budget, you'll know why I say this in un momento). He kept picking out things & so we'd put it in the cart & then he'd find something else & if in his mind it triumphant ed over the other toy already in the cart, we'd swap out. Well do you think in any of the swaps that there was ever a boy toy even in question? No, there was not, not even a gender neutral toy. Just Fairy Wings, Crowns, Tea Sets etc... You get the point. He finally decided on a Disney Princess Guitar that plays "Be our Guest" from Beauty & the Beast. It was a good purchase though, it has already gotten a lot of use out of it already, namely from Cam & Kyra dancing around like ballerina's to the music- they love it!!! Then from the good old T.R.U. we headed on up to Chuck-E-Cheeses, you know, where a kid can be a kid! Anytime we asked Camren what he wanted to do for his b-day, he'd always say that Chuck-E-Cheese would be the place that he would be celebrating & no where else. He had a BLAST! Between pizza, rides, games, cake & actually getting to meet "the cheese" himself, he was in 4 year old heaven!Oh & after all of those games that give you tickets, he takes up his little receipt that says he has 60 points on it & looks up at the girl & says "I want those pretty sparkly earrings" Mind you, they were worth 80 points & he was 20 points short, but she must have thought that it was so cute that this little boy wanted "sparkly earrings", that she says "What color would you like?" In Cam's most excited voice he squeals "PINK!" So, in the bottom picture you can see him wearing his prize, what a perfect way for him to end off his day!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Picture Posing.....

Peter Loosli took our family pictures over at Gardner Village this last Monday. Everything went mildly smooth, other than Jaden getting stung by a wasp & Camren almost getting bit by a duck- all was well! I do have to tell ya though, if that duck had gotten Cam, he totally provoked it. Cam for some reason has no fear of animals! And the boys mostly went along with everything, I'm not even going to mention how Mike & I kept bribing the boys, "Hey boys we'll buy you ice-cream cones, pop, candy anything you choose if you smile good", oh wait, have I said to much? Whoops-a-daisy! I am excited to get the pictures & put them up in my new house whence it's done! Fun Times! Thanks again Peter Peter Pumpkin Picture Taker- okay I'll finish now, I've just crossed over to the "Corney" side. Not unusual for me though, I have to say!

Monday, August 25, 2008

My KNIGHT in Shining Armour

A few days ago Jaden & Cam had saved up enough money to go to the store & each buy a toy. Jaden, of course, bought a new Transformer to add to his "collection", he now has 14 total & keeps them all perfectly lined up on his window seal. Which I actually find cute, cause that is what Mike would've totally done when he was a wee one. I guess he used to shine up all of his toys/basketball shoes/basketball cards real nice back in the day & just sit & stare at them. Unlike me, I wore my stuff out, if I hadn't already broken said toy 6 minuto's after buying such purchases. But that's not the point, sorry I always sort of veer off track a bit don't I? Well to my surprise, and to Mike's great pleasure, Camren didn't choose anything princessy, no bippity-boppity-boo's to speak of! He chose a Knight costume! Wehoo! Maybe this is a sign that he really just has a "crush" on Cinderella & wants to be her Knight in Shining Armour & sweep her of her sparkly high heeled glass shoe wearing feet & marry her one day! Let's keep our fingers crossed! ;)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

More Alaska Pictures, Cause I know you were all DYING to see More!

My brother Matt, or Mataydo as I like to refer to him, put these pictures up on his facebook. So, of course I had to snatch them up & share them on my blog! They really showcase every ones personality beautifully, wouldn't you say?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ya'll are getting a Two-fer Post

Yes, I said it "Ya'll are getting a two-fer" & for any of you who don't know what a "two-fer" is, it's a two for the price of one type of a deal. Two subjects in ONE post! How lucky for ya'll, oh yeah & by the way I'm saying ya'll, cause well, I just think it sounds appropriate with the word two-fer! So onto the post, shall we? This last Saturday Mike had a carnival at his work & they had face painting. Jaden wanted an Optimus Prime on his arm & Camren wanted, what else? A butterfly, but of course. They loved it & Cam didn't understand why we had to clean off his "sparkily, beautiful butterfly" to go to church the next day.
Now, onto the.....HOUSE, it is already all framed! Talk about speedy! We are already having our 4 way inspection tomorrow so that they can start sheet rocking (um, is that really how it's spelled- doesn't seem right)! What do they have, majic elves up their sleeves working through the night? Insane, but very exciting!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jaden's FIRST day of FIRST grade!

Okay, so first of all Jaden said he was "too embarrassed" to pose for a picture for me at school, so I had to sneak this one & so this is the best I got! He was really excited & just "an insy binsy bit nervous". He loved that he had three recesses & that he got to eat lunch at school. And of course, my early riser slept in today & so I had to actually wake him up for a change & when I did he was all "Moooom, why does 1st grade start sooo early? This is crazy!" Which I found hilarious, because I was actually waking him up about an hour later then when he normally wakes up. Kids! :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Um waiter, I think there's a BEAR in my soup

So, as you all know from the previous post, this last week Mike was in Alaska. Well he's finally back, I'm telling ya, I don't know how on earth my sister Stacy does it when her hubby Chris goes off to war for months & months at a time! She must just be a much more self-sufficient person than I am & much better at the whole playing the "single mother" role! I have always had such respect for her, for thousands of reasons, but that respect has grown by leaps this past week! Stacy is amazing! So strong! Anywhoo, now that I have ventured off of my original point, as you can tell from the above pictures Mike had a blast! My Dad was so generous to take them & Mike is beyond greatful. I can't write from first hand experience, but I did hear some pretty "detailed" stories. The first of which was, that on the second day of fishing on water that had 15 ft swells for hours on end, everyone was feeling, should I say, a wee bit Weezy?!? I guess my Dad was the first to loose his lunch off the side of the boat....8 times! Mike, not an easy thrower upper by the way, had just eaten a PB&J sandwhich & some Doritos to chase it down. Well let's just say that that didn't stay in his tum-tum too long, & before you know it, it was fish bate in the ocean....4 times! I wish that you could hear Mike & my bro Spencer re-tell the story, their version, along with demonstrations & sound effects is hilarious! But they did end up catching & bringing home TONS of fish! 9 huge box full's to be exact! Halibut, Samon anyone?

Okay, now to the BEARS! Right outside of the hotel that they stayed in, there were these 3 huge black bears just hangin' around one day. Mike apparently got within 60 ft of them- Scary, but Cool! They also got to go on one of those cool water airplanes & Mike got to sit in the cockpit with the Capin'. What a stud! Also, while they were out on the boats, they saw a whale do a full breach about 100 ft from there boat & they saw a Bald Eagle swoop down into the ocean & get a fish. Mike loved it all & loved the company, they all missed Chris, who sadly couldn't make it. And I am just happy as a clam (are clams really all that happy?) to have my man back!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Missing Mike

I have been missing my "Huzzy" this week, he's been off on an adventure in Alaska with the other boyz in my familia this week. My Dad took them all there to go Deep Sea Fishing. And from the sounds of it they are going to be bringing back tons of fish! Too bad I don't care much for all! But I am happy that Mike is off having a blast, he deserves it, he works so hard for our family! I just miss him & am excited to have my best friend back in a couple of days! Love Ya Mike!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

And the Dawn did Break...

So, I realize that this post is oh, only about a week behind schedule, but whatcha gonna do? Anywhoo, Me & my girlies went out last Friday, along with the rest of the world, to get BREAKING DAWN. What a fun night, we went to Chilli's for din-din & then hopped on over to Barnes and Noble just to get a taste of the madness that WAS that night. It was insaness, people dressed up in who knows what, but it was fun to share in on the madness, even if I wasn't dressed up in an 80's Prom Dress. From there we decided a Jamba Juice was in order, so a Citrus Squeeze it was! I could drink one of those every day of my life & only feel the insy-binsiest bit guilty for it. But mooooving on, we were going to go to Wal-mart & make our big purchase there, but what do you know, as we were walking away from my beloved Jamba J. there was a small line forming in front of Deseret Book. How lucky for us, they price matched Wal-mart for us & we were on our way home by 12:25, not bad at all! Why can't every Friday night be Girls Night? LOVES IT!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Today Krista & I took our kids to the Dinosaur Museum @ Thanksgiving Point. It was so fun & sooo crowded, they are doing $2 Tuesdays in August & I guess everyone else decided to jump on the good deal as well. The kids absolutely loved it. And I loved that they had a great time!